by Justin Case | Jul 12, 2020 | News
Twelve Portraits : : Twelve Concepts Click on the image above, ladies and gentlemen, to discover the darkest secrets of the symbiosis project. Embark on a magical journey through sacred geometry, universal laws, ancient wisdom, forgotten knowledge, and secret...
by Justin Case | Apr 11, 2020 | News
Year Retrospective on Behance Click on the image above, ladies and gentlemen, and see for yourselves the portraits of the fabulous mutant artists I had the pleasure of capturing during 2019 in chronological order. Be amazed by these masters of illustration, street...
by Justin Case | Apr 10, 2020 | News
From Graffiti Artist to Digital Surgeon Would you like to find out how this bizarre photographic experiment started? How did I end up making these surreal mutant artists portraits? Just click on the image above to read the FrikiFish interview in which I explain how...
by Justin Case | Apr 9, 2020 | News
Year Retrospective on Behance Click on the image above, ladies and gentlemen, and see for yourselves the portraits of the fabulous mutant artists I had the pleasure of capturing during 2018 in chronological order. Be amazed by these masters of3D modeling, architecture...
by Justin Case | Apr 8, 2020 | News
King Kong Style! Here you have the Bakea symbiosis making-of video in super-fast style. Just click on it to see how we made this King Kong style portrait in which the artist climbs to the top of the Capitol Building in Madrid to destroy the neon ad and replace it with...
by Justin Case | Apr 7, 2020 | News
My First Radio Interview! Last week I was contacted by El Ojo Crítico, a Spanish cultural radio show, to ask me for an interview about the Symbiosis exhibtion on PHotoESPAÑA 2018, my first ever radio interview! As the Symbiosis project is very visual, I made this...